wonen in bussum


Living in Bussum?

Bussum may be considered a true village. The residential areas of Bussum are green and spacious, with many parks and wide open spaces. The number of inhabitants of Bussum is approximately 33,500. Several residential quarters, such as the Spiegel and Brediuskwartier, have a protected status as “historic villagescape”.

The first television studios and the NOS TV news were located in Bussum. Nowadays Bussum is popular for its beautiful countryside, Fort Werk IV and the vibrant shopping area’s. In the centre you will find the Kapelstraat (chapel street), a cosy shopping street with a wide range of cafe terraces and restaurants. Some famous places on this street are Soigné, Soep, Atlantique, Nobel, Leuk.

Since 2016 Bussum, together with Naarden and Muiden, forms the municipality of Gooise Meren.

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Current listings in Bussum

Cereslaan 29, Bussum New!
Cereslaan 29, Bussum
price € 375.000 k.k.
Aagje Dekenlaan 211, Bussum New!
Aagje Dekenlaan 211 Bussum | € 785.000 k.k.
Veldheimerlaan 64, Bussum
Veldheimerlaan 64 Bussum | € 350.000 k.k.
Meulenwiekelaan 56, Bussum Sold with conditions
Meulenwiekelaan 56 Bussum | € 715.000 k.k.

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